Picture taken by my wonderful partner, Lawrence.
"Mrs Chicken was a timid soul. Her beige and brown feathers and pale pink cardigan we're honestly forgettable. Her eyes often wondered to the floor. Every thing about Mrs Chicken was mild, from her manners to her meals. She was kind though, and well liked. She seemed to some blindly positive and others down-right dim, the truth was, she just wanted things to be nice. Not good, or exciting, or interesting. Just nice. Quiet, plain, predictable nice. All she wanted was a tumble down cottage at the end of a gravel lane, somewhere... still.
How then, in the name of all things vanilla scented, did she end up a singer in a busy bar in the dirtiest, darkest, dampest city you've ever dared to imagine?"
Hey guys! So I've been experimenting with 'illustrating' my tics. A few days ago I drew 'the piss goblin' (an angry, aggressive tic) and I've written down a little extract of the narrative my wierd brain has given Mrs Chicken, an anxious tic.
The Chicken is a long standing tic of mine. Originally based around the slightly dim Chicken who doesn't want to be a pie, in Chicken Run. It consists of 2 main phrases, "I don't want to be a pie, I don't like gravy" and "I saw my life flash before my eyes, it was very boring". But, sometimes with out prompting, Mrs Chicken does respond to situations (often with confusion or nervousness). Mrs Chicken has a Northern (ish) accent and has often been described as one of my funniest/best tics!
So far, illustrating my tics has helped me to put in to perspective/ understand them more. Apparently it's normal to give tics a "back story" especially if the appear to have there own personality.
Maybe I'll write more wierd paragraphs about the world in my head, if you like?
Maybe you could write me one about the world in your head... If you have one!?