Tim Currys legs, they are more interesting than mine, of course I do not own them^^^
Recently I have developed a new tic... Perhaps it's my inner diva creeping out or maybe it's my small obsession with Ru Paul, but for whatever reason, I have gained a 'strut'.
I'll be walking along, minding my own business when suddenly my pace quickens, my feet fall in front of each other as though stomping along a narrow beam and my hips start to swing from side to side like a chunky pendulum the result is a kin to an over zealous drag queen style catwalk movement.
The first time I realised quite how odd I looked was when I caught my reflection in a shop window whilst ticcing/strutting. The problem, it was revealed, is not the tic itself. Although the walk is a little, well, strange, the problem lay in the stark contrast in messages I was sending from the two halves of my body. My legs were behaving as through I thought I was 'Gods gift', pounding the pavement with more confidence than someone with uncontrollable limbs should have, where as my top half was hunched, head down in a desperate attempt to be less noticeable.
I decided, after reconfirming to myself for the hundredth time that I will never but 'not noticeable', that, if people were going to look, I may aswell (at least pretend to) do it on purpose. So now, when my legs get all "fierce", I look above people's heads, fix myself with a stern resting bitch face and swagger down the high street with miss placed gusto! Maybe it's because I'm to busy faking confidence to notice people, but it seems to have helped!
Apart from the odd tumble and a few bashed knees I seemed to have managed the walk to work quite well this week, even if my walks now a strut! #proudofme!! So if you see me rock past you like a chunky super model in town you can be can rest easy, I've not become self-obsessed, it's just a tic!