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At the beginning of the week I asked my Facebook friends to write me some questions about my Tourette's, here's the most common/best questions...

How did your condition start? 

Because Tourette's is a neurological disorder you're already born with the capacity to develop it, however the main symptoms of Tourette's, i.e. tics, are usually triggered by a long period of stress or a traumatic event. In my case the initial trigger was a combination of both. When I was fourteen I had series of abusive relationships, around this time my grandfather also passed away, along with the general stresses of being a fourteen year old. It was about this time I started to develop audible tics. However, having spoken to my family after my diagnosis,  we believe that I showed some signs of my condition before this, such as my inability to concentrate and apparent sensory overload (even as a baby I pushed away when held, and struggled with busy areas). 

How did you feel about your diagnosis/did you suspect Tourette's?

I'm going to be honest and say that I didn't really know anything about Tourette's until I met someone else with Tourette's. I, like so many others, didn't think of Tourette's as anything other than 'a swearing disease'. I was initially treated for a habitual condition caused by stress. When being treated for this, they attempt to condition you into not ticing... This didn't really work. I was told that if I continued to tic I would be sectioned and the fear of that alone drove me to suppress my tics, this in turn made me depressed and anxious. When I was diagnosed with Tourette's the feeling was mostly of relief (although I didn't expect it), I began researching the condition and talking to the neurologist, my fear was immediately taken away! I'm not crazy, I have a condition!

Has it got worse?

Short answer? Yes. Is that bad? No. Before, when I was suppressing my tics, I wasn't a well person, my mental health was very poor and as a result I was often physically unwell - I just wasn't healthy in general! Now I can be who I am and yes, my tics are louder and more frequent, but I feel better! 

Are there any stereotypes of Tourette's? 

The only stereotype of Tourette's I've seen is that we all swear, nonstop! It's a myth perpetuated by mainstream media, it's more interesting to watch someone shouting F**k than it is to watch someone who has an eye twitch so we see less of the latter. 

Can you drive?

Yes. Legally (I've checked it out with my doctor) I can drive as it's not a condition that you have to in form the authorities about, usually when I'm driving I'm pretty focused so my tics decrease. 

Do your tics increase when you're stressed? 

All emotions can trigger Tourette's, sometimes I tic because I'm excited, I do have more aggressive and anxious tics when I feel stressed. If I'm walking in the street and I make eye contact with someone I tend to tic something like 'come on then, big man' it's not because I want a fight it's due to anxiety. 

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